• 尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!

    Stock Code:
    A 000055
    B 200055
    Full name Post Education
    Xiong Jianming Chairman Doctor
    Xiong Xi Director and President Master
    Xiongjianwei Director Master
    Lin kebing Director and vice president Undergraduate
    Huang Yaying Independent director Master
    Cao Zhongxiong Independent director Doctor
    Zhan Weizai Independent director Doctor
    Cao Naisi Convener of the board of supervisors Undergraduate
    Fan Xiaodong Supervisor Undergraduate
    Ye Zhiqing Supervisor Undergraduate
    Wei Yuexing Vice president Undergraduate
    Dong Gelin Vice president Undergraduate
    Xiao Yangjian Secretary of the board of directors Undergraduate

    Fangda Group Co., Ltd.,
    • A shares 000055 SZ
      Listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange
    • B shares 200055 SZ
      Listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange
    Copyright ©2021 Fangda Group Co., Ltd All Right Reserved. 粤ICP备05036140号-1